Thursday, June 2, 2011

Homeless Encounter of the day

Haven't been having too many crazy encounters with the homeless these days, or maybe they are just seeming more normal? right. Anyways today I had two good ones this morning, my first one was right as I walked out of the gym I saw this man standing against the wall. Thinking nothing of it I walked right by him and continued on my way home. All of a sudden I hear someone screaming WHAT DID YOU SCORE?? WHAT DID YOU SCORE?!?!? TELL ME WHAT YOU SCORED!! So I turned around to see what was going on and it was the homeless man chasing me down the road yelling this at me! I was SO confused and he just kept asking me what I scored, but on what, what was he talking about? Once I realized he was talking to me I turned around and kept walking thinking maybe he would stop, he didn't. By this point he was going YOU HAVE TO TELL ME, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU TELL ME. omg. After about 3 minutes of this he got the hint and stopped following me. What the hell was he talking about??

My 2nd encounter was just at the end of my walk home. Once I see the Percy road sign on the way home I figure nothing else will happen to me and I can finally get home. That was until today. As I turned onto my street I saw 2 homeless men standing in the middle of the road just starring at me. I knew it was trash day so I figured they were just waiting for all of the bins to be outside. As I got closer and closer one of the guys started to walk away and was coming towards me. He started by saying, Hi miss, miss, hi. I tried to ignore him as I usually do but then he started to get REALLY close to me. This was when I started walking at a brisk pace hoping he wouldn't follow me. He did. He started asking me where my trash bin was and that I needed to bring it out so the men could take it. He then went on to say "WHERE IS THE GIRL WHO IS GIVING ME HER CLOTHES??!! Is she still inside?!?! Is she in there?!?!?!?!?! At this point he was literally breathing down my neck so I started to run to my front gate. He ran after me and as I was unlocking my gate he literally stood right behind me and kept telling me to bring out the bin and to get the girl outside too. I was nervous he was going to come inside as soon as I opened the gate so I literally darted inside as soon as I opened it and he was still yelling through the gate! I even went inside and slammed the door and I could still hear him yelling. Why? He finally got the hint after about 5 minutes of talking to himself and went back to his spot with his other homeless friend. I hate trash day.

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