Sunday, January 30, 2011

wow, okay so I'm in Africa. wow. 

so the first 2 days we spent at this camp called high Africa, an adventure for a natural high. right. but anyways we ate traditional South African foods which were SO good and did team building things such as ropes courses and puzzles. It was on a river and the 2nd day we were there the entire Stellenbosch rugby team was there. Yum. We had to build a raft ours sunk, surprise surprise. 

So we got back at 10 last night and then had a UCT orientation at 8am, right. So that entailed this entire day trip which we didn’t get back until 6 tonight. But it was well worth it. We went to Boulder Beach, which is the beach that has all  wild penguins on it, so crazy. And before that we went to Camps Bay, which is just a nice beach with great views from on top of the rocks. After Boulder beach we went into one of the townships, which are the very very very low-income housing, and they cooked us a meal and put on some performances on for us. It was absolutely amazing, it makes people realize what they have and to use it to it’s full potential. There was a younger girl who sang for us and she had a beautiful voice but it was so sad to think about the fact that she has this amazing talent but may never get out of the township. These people are so happy but have nothing, It’s amazing to me that sometimes people who have the least are actually the happiest people I have ever met. There was this tranny who performed that was HILLARIOUS omg. I’ll post pics when I get a chance to get on campus because we have to pay for our Internet here. WHACK.

So then we went to the southern most point of the world besides Antarctica. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL I can’t even put into words. We ended up walking down to this part we weren’t supposed which was this remote beach, which was beautiful, as is everything.

So then tonight, we went to a restaurant called Fat Cactus, which is SO good. The quesadillas are to die for, weird in South Africa, The area I’m living in is not the best like actually. The other street which most of the people in my program are on, which is 2 blocks over, have a ton of homeless people living on the street but the city of Cape Town is so great, I wish I lived there. The other day when we were walking over there this girl Sarah who also lives with me went to go step and she almost stepped in vom and she thought it was a pumpkin, HAHA so funny.

So after Fat Cactus we went out to this first bar that was eh, whatever. This kid Mack who lives with me got smashed and was trying to get with South African girls, hysterical. We ended up at this bar called pig and swiggles, so many exchange students./ Rando locals, such a great  mix. So then tomorrow we have more orientation starting at 12 until 8. It’s a never-ending cycle. On the week we have off before classes I think we are going to go shark diving and bungee jumping. The bungee jumping place is the highest bungee jumping place in the world. Yikes, but wow.


  1. sounds amazing - what kind of drinks are there? the pictures are indescribable! yikes i'm jealous! be safe!!!!!!!!

  2. omg every kind of drink. There is this one drink though called cane and cream, OMG. It's alcohol made from sugar cane and then cream soda, the most amazing thing i have ever tasted
