Sunday, April 10, 2011


Tuesday we had to be checked out of our.. tent? by 10:30AM because we were going to Zimbabwe for the night. We didn't end up checking out until 10:45 and were on the road to Zimbabwe by 11. We crossed the border, got our passports stamped, and headed into Zimbabwe. It was definitely A LOT different than I had imagined Zimbabwe would look like, and definitely a lot more sketch. We drove through the town and then arrive at the Savannah backpackers lodge where we were staying for the night. Interesting place. I think we were the only ones staying there and all of the workers stunk, literally B.O. status.
This is the view of the place when you drive in.

So we met with the "accountant"aka some random african who worked at the hotel and figured out what we were going to do while we were in Zim. We decided on the Boma dinner. All we knew about it was that it was that it was a "traditional african dinner" and that there was going to be a buffet and an interactive drumming session. YES. I could finally use my bongo skills that I learned in my African Instruments Class! We also decided to hit Victoria Falls in the morning to get the experience from the Zim side and not just the Zambia side. After we got everything sorted out we decided to get a cab and go into town to these markets that everyone kept telling us we NEEDED to go to while we were in Zim. So we get to the markets and it was super sketch, didn't really see/still don't see why people are always raving about these markets. The only thing I really wanted from these markets were the Zimbabwean money that was no longer used because of the HUGE inflation that the country had. Now they just use U.S. currency. But the old money is so cool, for $2 and 4 hair-ties I got a 100 trillion dollar bill. The guy was saying how back when they used the currency, 100 trillion could only get you a loaf of bread! How crazy! He also said that people would bring briefcases full of money to go grocery shopping. I cannot even imagine what that was like. After about an hour and a half we were done with the markets and had to catch a cab back to our place. I found a cop on the street and asked him where to get a cab and he being the nice lad that he was snatched us up one. I didn't know at the time but the cab we got in was a guy who just opened his door and sniped us from the guy who's cab we were actually supposed to be getting in. Obviously I didn't notice so I hopped in this cab and pushed all the way over to the window. Bad idea. I put my leg down and it touched something very cold and wet. I figured it was just a soda or something and didn't think it was a big deal, that was until I actually looked to see what it was. What I saw right next to my leg was a bag with something skinned and dead in it. It was very bloody and definitely parts of an animal... or a human. O.M.G. I started freaking out literally having a panic attack and I had no idea what the thing actually was. I was not trying to have the driver hear me just incase he was actually going to take us and kill us too, who even knew what the hell else he had in his trunk!! I was trying to tell sarah what was going on and she just looked over at the bag and had the exact same reaction I had. Meanwhile, Matt was chatting it up with the cab driver in the front and had ZERO idea what was going on in the backseat. I was convinced that we were the next victims and our bodies were about to be the next ones in the bag. NOT OKAY. We got to our lodge and I literally pushed Sarah and Tracey out of the cab so that I could get away from the dead body that was in the bag. We didn't get minced and Matt thought it was hilarious that we were freaking out the whole time. Not cool.

Dead Body.

The next thing of the day was the Boma dinner. We got picked up at 7 by Geoff, what a guy, and drove about 10 minutes into the bush of Zimbabwe and all of a sudden we ended up at a resort and the BOMA was on the other side. We walk up and they were playing the bongos and wrapping everyone in their traditional african dress. The inside was insane. SO many asians, I was so excited. The buffet was HUGE literally so many different stations and so much good food to be eaten. We ordered our drinks and made our way to the "starters" portion of the buffet. I made an azn friend in line and got some delicious foods to startoff the night.
My azn friend!

After we finished the starters it was on to the meats. I ended up getting warthog, ostrich, impala, chicken, and sirloin. The warthog was SO good. Can't wait to have it again. The guys at our lodge told us that we had to eat the worm that they serve because it is a African speciality. We found the worm station and had to try it. Sarah and I were the only brave ones but we thought we were going to be able to try it at our leisure at the table but that was not the case. They made you try it right there so they could give you a certificate to prove that you ate the worm. Sarah choked on it so I was definitely a little nervous when it was my time to take a bite. Surprisingly it wasn't THAT bad, I'm not saying I would ever do it again but it really wasn't horrible.
The worm!... and the 12432490 different weird meats on my plate

By this time they had professional african drummers and dancers out and they were going wild. So entertaining. They left and we got desert. By the time we got back to our table the interactive drumming session had started and the azns were going nuts on these drums. LOVE IT. The drumming session ended and then it was time for a dance sesh! Everyone tried their most african dance they could think of and that was that. The night continued with some story tellers, medicine men, singers, and face painting. Such a great night overall. Geoff picked us back up at 10 and we headed back to the lodge for the night. Definitely tired after a long day.

Who are those hottie Africans?

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