Friday, April 1, 2011

Trip Of A Lifetime

For the past week I have been gallivanting around Africa and by Africa I mean Zambia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe having the time of my life, minus the HORRENDOUS traveling we had to do to get there. I'll start with our flights on Sunday on the way to Livingstone in Zambia.

4:30 am- Lenny, our rip off of a driver that arcardia "hired" to drive us places, even though he charges more than a cab company would, picks us up to head to the airport for our 6am flight to Johannesburg. We get to the airport, get on the flight and everything seems to be going smoothly. We landed in Joburg around 8am and our next flight was at 11am. This left us plenty of time to hit up the duty free store and gaze out into the rainy Joburg area. We boarded our flight on time and it seemed like we were in the clear to be on our way to Zambia! I decided to take a little snooze before the flight took off so that I wouldn't be so tired for our tour of Victoria Falls at 4:30. I woke up from this little nap and soon realized that we hadn't moved from our gate. It was now 11:30, I asked Sarah what was going on and she said that they announced we were having "technical" problems. Great. about 15 minutes later they informed us that we needed to get off the plane immediately and they had no idea when we were going to be able to get another flight to Zambia. Not happy. They told us to wait at the gate for a "representative" to come to tell us what our options are. Their idea of a representative was a girl wearing a bright yellow vest who actually had no idea that our plane even had technical problems. They sent us to a different gate down the hall where there had been another flight that had also been cancelled that was going to Zimbabwe. We found out that they were actually going to combine our flights and the plan would first land in Zimbabwe and then it would fly to Zambia. Mind you this flight from Zim to Zam was said to be 8 minutes. Only in Africa would they combine flights to 2 different locations. Whatever we thought as long as we can get to Zambia to make our tour. They told us that we would be leaving around 12:30-1:00 which would definitely leave us enough time to make the tour. At 12:45 they said that we were going to be boarding in 10 minutes. Yippee! That was until they told us the flight was going to be boarding in 10 minutes every 10 minutes for a solid 2 hours. By this time we were starving but didn't want to get out of line to go get any food. Also, our flight was supposed to give us a meal. We finally get to board the flight and of course my seat was changed to the back row middle seat. Typical and they also informed us that there was going to be food or drink on the flight because they couldn't get the "catering" figured out. Of course they couldn't this is Africa, they only took 3 hours trying to figure it out. Dumb. So needless to say we finally got to Zambia after more than 12 hours of traveling and missed our tour of the falls. By this time we just nommed down our dinner at our "adventure lodge" where we were staying and hit the sac. Had to rest up for our day in Botswana that was planned for Sunday.
 Customs/airport in Zambia. Totally not sketch

Here is our accommodation at the Waterfront adventure lodge in Zambia, real beds inside and everything!

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