Sunday, April 24, 2011

End of the African Adventure

So this is long over due but this is the summary of the rest of my holiday trip. So we did the Boma on Tuesday night and then Wednesday morning we got up bright and early to catch a cab and head to Victoria Falls so we could also see it on the Zimbabwe side. SUCH a different experience, the falls were so much bigger from the Zimbabwe side but so much less of an experience. There wasn’t a crazy death bridge that you had to cross to see the falls this time, just a path with marked sight seeing spots. Obviously it was still absolutely gorgeous, it is one of the seven wonders for shits sake. 
Traci, Sarah, and I lovin the falls

So yeah we snatched a cab back to our backpacker and headed on out to the border to get back into Zambia. We decided that it would be cool to walk across the bridge to the Zambie instead of taking a cab. Right. Well, it was quite a bit futher than we thought and the only other people who were walking across the border were crazy black immigrant trying to hop the fence and black women carrying babies on the backs, and the only thing holding the baby on was a bath towel. To put it into perspective this is the scene. The 3 others I was traveling with all had backpacks and what not, but me being the idiot brought a rolly suitcase and a backpack. So here I was dragging my suitcase over the non paved roads inbetween Zimbabwe and Zambia in a little sundress and aviators.  I couldn’t have looked more like an idiot if someone paid me.
One way/ two way road to cross the bridge? Had to make the lady move out of the way to roll my self across the bridge, she wasn't happy.

We obviously got hasseled numerous times by guys who were just hanging out in the no mans land between the two countries. Weird. What were they doing? So anyways we made it to the other side and couldn’t have been happier to be at the waterfront lodge where we had been staying all week. So we grabbed some lunch and hung by the pool for the day. Seemed like it was going to be a totally normal relaxing day, this was until we met the “scrap metal” dealers. These old fat men who proclaimed they were in the scrapmetal business and their two African businessmen who were doing the deals with them this week. Not sketchy at all. We got talking to them and realized that they were going on the same sunset cruise that we were going on that night. Awesome. The time comes for the cruise and it’s just the four of us, the scrap metal dealers, an old couple, and two younger women. In a nutshell the cruise was a joke and the old couple ended up taking Yeager bombs with everyone. T.I.A.  The cruise was actually beautiful though, it was down the Zambezi river and we ended up seeing numerous wild elephants crossing the river and crocodiles all over the shore. Neat! Plus it was open bar and free food on the boat, double plus.
Here's the sunset on the Zambezi, note the elephants crossing the river on the left! So cool!

The next morning it was time to head back to Cape Town and all of us were very ready to go back. We grabbed some breakfast and then grabbed our ride to the airport. We picked up everyone and their mother on the way to the airport and once we got there, there was a line that was practically out the door. Great. Finally got our boarding passes and while we were waiting for our plane I vaguly heard something about our flight on the loud speaker and found out that our flight was delayed 2 hours. GREAT, another traveling dilemma. This meant that there was no way we were going to make our connection in jo-burg to cape town. We ended up landing with 35 minutes before our flight was supposed to take off so we ran through the entire airport, got to the desk to get our boarding passes and they tell us the flight is closed, there was still 20 minutes before the plane was supposed to leave too. As I’m talking to the guy behind the desk he begins to tell me that I need to pay a stand by fee of $100. Joke. I totally lost my mind and it comes to find out that the flight had been delayed another hour and we were totally going to make it. The people at the desk were just idiots and didn’t even realize the flight we were trying to get on was the one that was delayed. Pretty typical, and once again T.I.A. We finally made it home and grabbed some subway in the airport for dinner. The 1st deli sandwhich I have had since being here and it was GLORIOUS!

So yeah that about sums up my african adventure, and once again sorry for the delay!

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