Monday, April 4, 2011

Chobe National Park in Botswana

After our horrible day of traveling on Saturday we were super pumped for our day in Botswana at the Chobe Nation Park (the best national park in the world!) on Sunday. We got picked up at our Lodge in the morning at around 7am to travel across the boarder into Botswana. We picked up this nice couple on the way and they spending the day with us! yay! So we drove for about 45 minutes and finally we got to the "boarder" between Zambia and Botswana. Mind you the "boarder" was literally a metal fence and one building and then a river which your crossed in a sketchy boat. There were 100's of trucks lined up for literally miles before we hit the boarder, I asked our driver what that was all about and he said that they are waiting to bring good across the boarder, but thing is that there is no bridge across the river, they only have 3 ferries (2 of which were broken), and each ferry can only take 1 truck at a time aka 1 truck every hour. He was saying how these trucks can wait for weeks before they get to the other side. T.I.A.
 Here are just a few of the trucks that were lined up

 Here is the "border" to get out of Zambia haha
So we get stamped and took our little boat over to Botswana where we got some more stamps. Funny though, in order to get into the coutry you have to walk over this "disinfecting" pad so that there won't be any diseases spread between countries. Mind you this is what the pad looked like:

 Definitely stopping the diseases from being spread. So we got picked up in our safari vehicle and headed off the Chobe. The first part of our day consisted of a river safari where we circled around the Chobe river looking for the wild creatures that were lurking in the wilderness. We were able to get so close to the animals, it was insaneee. On the river we saw elephants, hippos, all different kinds of birds, impalas, crocodiles, buffalo, and kudu. COOL. Hippos are HUGE literally enormous! And so scary, they are supposedly the mammal that kills the most people in a year. They are VERY territorial and literally will just start charging at you no matter what the circumstance. We had one that lunged at our boat so we had to literally out boat the hippo so it wouldn't smash the side of the boat and tip it over. omg. We saw so many hippos and elephants by the end of the river that I didn't even realize that many could live in one area.


So after the river safari we went back to the Chobe Lodge and I had scrumptious lunch. So much food though, obviously I was super full after the meal but the gave us desert! I couldnt resist! Apple crumb cake? umm YES PLEASE! So we stuffed ourselves silly and then hopped on our safari vehicle to hit the Chobe National Park. Stuff belly and rugged roads to not mix well, just a little word of advice for the next time you are on a safari. So yeah we drove around for about 2 and a half hours literally on land, in the river, through the forest. Our guide was legit, he was making his own paths and everything. We saw a bunch of elephants, giraffs "grazing", warthogs (weird), impalas, mongooses, kudu, hippos, yeah. Unfortunately they had no rhinos and the lions were not liking us, they were hiding the whole time, how rude. I was just trying to snap some sweet pics. So after this day full of safaris it was back over the border into Zambia, still in the safari vehicle nbd. No need for the disinefction to get into Zambia, they love that mad cow disease. Super pooped after a long day we just hung by the pool and grabbed a late dinner. Boring evening.

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