Friday, April 8, 2011

Victoria Falls and Elephant Back Safari

Sooooooooo yeah continuing on with my "holiday" Monday we started off the day with a tour of Victoria Falls. We had a great guide who drove us to the falls in a safari vehicle, weird but still cool. So we started off the tour and got all the history of it and it seemed cool whatever. Everyone had told us how soaked you get when you go to the falls, the guy even brought us ponchos. I also had my rain jacket with me and he took one look at me and goes "is that your cover?" and then laughed. Great. The falls were BEAUTIFUL so cool, it was literally like this break in the land and this massive water flow into the break. There was a rainbow going into the falls and everything. Picture perfect, literally. We didn't seem to be getting that wet when we were on the tour and I was a little confused as to why everyone had gotten so soaked. It started to get a little misty in the area, I threw the rain jacket on and everything was totally cool. We then came to the last "checkpoint" where people are able to stay dry. At this check point they were handing out floor length ponchos and jackets hmm. The farther we walked the more and more it seemed as if it were raining, and then we hit the falls. Literally in a matter of 20 seconds it started DOWN POURING. We were totally soaked and the ponchos weren't doing anything. That's when we came to the bridge. This bridge was quite long and was actually in the falls. You couldn't see anything in front of you because the water was so strong and the bridge was incredibly slippery. The guide told us to take small steps and to definitely hang onto the hand rails. He was 100% correct. I literally could not take a step without slipping from one side to the other. I was sure that that was my last day alive, I was going to fall off the bridge into the falls and I would have been toasted. Needless to say after about 80 scares we all made it across safely and to the other side of the falls where you could see Zimbabwe and the bridge that connects the two countries. Cool. We got to the end of the tour and being the idiot that I am I just figured that we would have been right where we started and we could just get in the safari vehicle and hit the road. Wrong. We were at the other end and needed to backtrack everything that we had already gone through, THE BRIDGE. Oh god. So after round 2 of near death experiences we made it back to the vehicle and there were some markets that we could roam around and maybe get some stuff. Horrible idea once we got into it. As soon as you walk up to the market all of the guys come at you going "sista sista good price here, good price sista, sista." Oh god, these guys were crazy they all wanted my hairbands on my wrist. So after a few good trades we got the hell out of there and went back to the waterfront for a good swim and some delicious lunch.

 Here's the backside of the falls
 Cool rainbow!
 Hottie azn tourist?
 Real azn tourist with a cool african man.

A few hours later it was time for the Elephant Back Safari! Yay! We picked up a few folk on the way to the National Park and once we arrived we got briefed on what the plan was for the day and signed our lives away. All of a sudden all of the elephants started walking towards us and lined up waiting for us to hop on them. I love elephants. Everyone walked up the platform and got on their respected elephants. The one Matt and I were getting on did not seem very big and I was a little bummed because the big ones were so cool. On top of the elephant it was Matt, our guide Christopher, and I. We all started walking into the park and Christopher began to tell us about our elephant. It wasn't soon after that I was super excited that we got the elephant that we did because she was definitely the most badass out of any of them. Ours had left the herd a couple years back but then came back and she was pregnant! This crazy teen walked out on her fellow elephants just to get knocked up and come back! Cool. So basically ours was awesome and led the pack the entire time. We stopped at the "watering hole" aka the Zambezi river and let the elephants grab a drink before continuing on with the adventure.
Here's the big girl herself! Note the watering hole

About an hour later we made it back to the site we began. We only saw impalas on the safari but who cares, we were riding elephants! Way cooler. We heard the lions growling or whatever they do but we never saw them. I almost forgot to mention on there were african men holding HUGE guns walking with us the entire time incase "wild" animals started to approach us on our safari. Luckily the guns never needed to be used. After we got off of our elephants they did a little bowing show for us and it was very obvious that they were hungry. Our guide gave us a bag of food and we got to sit on the elephants lap and feed it through it's trunk and into his mouth. The only way it would open its mouth is if you said truck up and all of a sudden he fly is trunk up and put is tongue out ready to be all NOM NOM NOM. The elephant then stood up and we could literally get right in front of it's mouth to fee it! It was SO cool.

She kept trying to put her trunk in the bag to snatch up all the food. Her trunk was definitely quite snotty and I had elephant boogers all over my hand and arms. We washed up and they had set out some light snacks for us and had free drinks while we watched the video they made of us on the safari. Embarrassing. Such a cool day all around, saw 1 of the 7 wonders of the world in the morning and ended the day on the back of an elephant. This is the life.

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