Monday, May 30, 2011

Ajax game in the World Cup Stadium

All semester I have been wanting to go to a soccer game in the world cup stadium and finallllllllllly we got a chance to go to one. Obviously, you buy your tickets at Shoprite (REAL classy grocery store, not) in the ghetto because we are in Africa. We thought that the seating was going to be general seating like it had been at the other stadium so we all went and bought our tickets at different times. Well, it wasn't general seating haha oops. So Mack sat alone, Elise, Sarah, and I sat together and then Kelsey, Tracey, and Dani sat together. I guess that was fine? Whatever. So in the morning we went to Biscuit Mill to get some great noms and then headed off the to the stadium. When we got there it was PACKED. There were all kinds of people everywhere trying to get tickets and sell tickets and whatever else they were trying to do. We didn't know where we were supposed to be going so we picked a crowd and followed it. There was a security check point, like all other public places, where they checked your bag and padded you down. I was the first one to go through so the woman looked in my bag and then looks at me and goes, "you are VERY lucky young lady". What? I had no idea what she meant by that so I just laughed and kept walking. Elise and Sarah had water in their bags and the women saw the water in the bag and just goes, "no water in the stadium" and then winked. TIA.
Little action shot of the entering of the stadium

So we finally get inside and are looking for our seats. Awk though because Kelsey was with us and she wasn't sitting with us while Tracey and Dani were on their way. So we got to our seats, second row! yay! but there were only 3 seats (the 3 we had bought) and not one for Kelsey. So she sat behind us until Tracey and Dani got there. Once again, awk. The guys in front of us hated us and they made it so obvious. Everytime we took a picture they would turn around and give us the dirtiest look. Rude. So of course I took more pictures than ever just to piss them off. Haha oops. It's not like I'm ever going to see those Africans ever again. 
The game was the championship game so the Ajax were pumppppppppped, as was the crowd. People were loving their vuvzellas (cannot spell) and face paint. The Ajax were down after the goalie literally just decided NOT to save the easiest goal in the history of soccer. Rude. In the last 3 minutes the Ajax scored and tied the game up. It seemed as if it was on the up and up and the Ajax might be able to pull off a win! Unfortunately, they did not. The ended it with a tie which gave the Pirates the winning title. Bummer. All the players were on the field crying and laying down, yelling at all of the camera men who kept trying to get all up in their faces. Sad day for the Ajax :( But epic day for me because I got to see the world cup stadium!

 Note: those are the RUDE Africans who didn't like us

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