Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunrise on Signal Hill

Yesterday was election day so of course we had the day off. Obv. Anyways, we decided that it would be a good day to go up to the top of Signal Hill and watch the sunset as we had been wanting to do it for a while. Of course the only day that I have to wake up at the crack of dawn I cannot for the life of me fall asleep the night before. The sun was supposed to be rising at 7:33 so we figured if we left at 6:30 we would have enough time to get up there to see the whole thing. I figured I would go to bed around midnight and that way I could get about 6 hrs of sleep. Well by the time I watched 8 episodes of Modern Family (Best show EVER, everyone needs to watch it) I looked at the clock and it was 2:50AM. I ended up falling asleep around 3 so by the time I had to wake up at 6 I had basically taken and nap and I wasn't even tired. Matt, Elise, Sarah, and I all got suited up and headed over to our local seven eleven to snatch a cab. Of course, the ONLY time we actually need a cab there are no cabs there. Matt realized he had a cab company in his phone and it seemed as if everything was going to be solved. Wrong, Matt's phone was dead. There was no way that we weren't going to see the sunrise so we walked back to the house where Matt could charge his phone and call the cab company. By this time it was 6:45 and we were cutting it REAL close with the time of the sunrise. The cab got there super quick and he drove like a madman to signal hill. The sun was starting to come up as we were driving up to the top and we were freaking out that we were going to miss it. We finally got to the top, I threw him some Rand and jumped out of the car to start taking pictures. The sunrise we saw ended up being the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Check this out...

Yes, it gets this cold in Africa

There was a man at the top, he's actually in one of the pictures, who was saying that he goes up to the top to watch the sunsets all the time and said that this was one of the best ones he had ever seen. So glad we got to see it. After it was totally risen we walked back down to the bottom and caught a cab home where we made some delicious breakfast and then I decided to watch some more Modern Family until I went to the gym except for the fact that I ended up falling asleep and waking up two hours later with my computer and my camera on my bed. Thank god I didn't move at all or everything would have ended up on the floor.

So yeah, beautiful sunrise, yay.

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