Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cheetahs round 2!!

So obviously when someone comes to visit Africa, aka MIKEL ASHKIN, such a betch, you must see African animals aka cheetahs! Soo I believe this was Monday, Mikel, Matt, his friend from home, and I all ventured out to Spier via the train obvi, so not sketch. This was only after I gave my condom presentation, check plus in that category. We thought we had gotten on the wrong train for about 45 minutes when all of a sudden we ended up at Lynedoch! Amazing how that happens sometimes! So we first ate lunch at Moyo, suchhhh a good spot. Not cheap but it is a buffet all you can eat local african foods. SO good like wow, the best meal I have had here.  We stuffed our faces for a good hour and a half and then we set out to pet the cheetahs. We had to sanitize our entire bodies basically before we went into the area with the cheetahs, they have allergies I guess? So there was the "cheetah handler" which basically just talks to the cheetah all day so it doesn't attack people while they are petting it. I was wondering what he was actually saying to it though, does he speak cheetah? If so where did he learn that because I want lessons. Our guide of course was American, how rude. The four of us went into the area but we could only go two people at a time in case we disrupted the cheetah, yikes. Mikel and I went first and the cheetah was purring when we pet it. So strange, I felt like I was just petting a big cat but the catch is that I had to pay to pet this cat. Was it really worth the money... no. I have done much cooler things in life than pet big cats. I almost wish it had sprung up and attacked or something cool just to have a good story. We got home and immediately changed and went to the UCT rugby game, the last home game they had. It was a good game even though they got killed but I finally was able to understand what was going on! Just took me 2 months, totally fine.

Cool! Cheetah!! His name was Joseph, he was a pal.

 Yummyyy Moyo
 Just chillin with the tigerest tiger of all

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