Wednesday, March 9, 2011

up or down?

I don’t understand how everyone in South Africa is so skinny. EVERYTHING has either mayo or butter on it. If I were to eat as much nasty mayo that they do I would be 300 lbs. I want to conduct a study on how the hell they are all not fat/ also to figure out how I can eat mayo like they do and become skinnier. I’ll let you know how the study goes.

But on a lighter note, last week was boring I think. Don’t really remember what I did. The condom presentation is coming along nicely. Check plus. I got my first assignment back the grade on it was a 79. Immediately I wondered how could I have gotten a 79 on a response paper? Then I realized oh wait I am in Africa. Their grading system is so weird here. Supposedly it only goes up to 75 but then everything after that is an A? They also said it is impossible to get a 100 on something here. So why do they even have grades that are higher than a 75 if a 75 is an A and that is the highest grade you can get? T.I.A. I guess is the only answer.
            I have learned how to cook my own meals. Success. And in my opinion it has all been pretty good. Maybe one day I’ll have my own cooking show… probably not/ why would I want that?
I had my first tutorial for my Intro to soc. Class and the teacher never showed up. So for the 2nd week in a row I sat in the classroom with the other students and nothing happened. Weird though, I sat with these 3 girls who are all first years and we were exchanging names, the first girls’ name was Nicole, finally a name I can pronounce, then it moved to the girl who was sitting next to me and her name was Lauren. Funny we had the same name and I hadn’t met another Lauren since being here. So then we all laughed when I introduced myself as Lauren. Then we moved onto the last girl and she was like well… my name is also Lauren. At this point, I thought this was a joke, but no she was serious. All 3 of us had the same name and just happened to all sit next to each other. The two of them were also saying how they only knew like 1 or 2 other Laurens in their whole lives. WEIRD. I hate the name Lauren
            We went to Marcel’s 4 times last week, maybe even 5. I think it is an addiction. I don’t know what I am going to do when I go back to the states. It has gotten sad that I go so often that I know the days they change the soft serve flavours and which combinations they have. I have come to accept it.
            On Tuesday, it was my roommate Matt’s 21st birthday so it called for a celebration. We had our first official Braai (BBQ) at our house and invited everyone on our program. We all cooked delicious meats on our new cool grill, drank wine, and were merry. Yay. We then went to Tiger Tiger, which is the main club in a town that is about two over from our dodgy location. Great times. I had class at 9 so I was not trying to stay out late. When we went to leave, it didn’t go as planned and people who said they wanted to leave didn’t so as I’m going down the escalator I realized that no one was following me. At this moment it seemed like the only way I was going to get back up the escalator was to walk up the down one. Right. Needless to say as I was about to be on the last step right and be back on still ground and have totally success of conquering going up the down when all of a sudden my shoe got stuck and I took a tumble onto the first step. Ouch. My knee is looking great from the picture you can see down below. After this occurred I was definitely trying to leave. Mission accomplished. Time for bed.


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