Monday, February 14, 2011

Abseiling Africa

So friday it was our first day of classes, or it was supposed to be. There two programs that uct uses on the computer that shows you which classes you are signed up for. One of them just tells you you are in the class and the other is sort of like blackboard. Well the blackboard one is the one that tells you where yours classes are and where they meet. When I went to look at this great website, Vula, is the name of it only 3 of my classes were posted and none of them said where they were or when they were meeting. HMMM So I missed my first 2 classes and ended up making it to my 3rd one BUT the professor did not even show up. FABULOUS. So basically I walked up to campus all sweaty and gross for no reason. Thank You UCT. We went to Poncho's for dinner which is this really good mexican restaurant. Everyone in there had a mullet including our waiter. These mullets seem to be quite the fashion statement down here. I don't really understand it.

Saturday was an adventure and a half. The day started at approximately 5:30am when my lovely alarm sounded. Showered and got ready to leave the house at 6:30am to grab a taxi to go into Cape Town.  So then at approximately 6:50am after the taxi driver went the wrong way about 3 times we arrived at Abseil Africa. Success. All of us walked in not realizing what we were getting ourselves into. We were told that this company was going to provide us with transportation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and a fun filled day of cliff jumping and abseiling. Cliff jumping, whatever been there done that abseiling on the other hand not so much. So they told us it was just repelling off the side of a moutain next to this waterfall, sounded pretty legit so we were all excited. After an hour of driving to Gordons bay we ended up at this little bungalo type place to eat breakfast, and then set on our journey into the Gorge. After about a 2 hour hike into the Gorge we had lost about 4 people out of the group but we had hit the pool where people were cliff jumping. 7 meters doesn't seem that high when you are just thinking about it but it is when you are on the edge of it. We started off hiking again, where all of a sudden it turned from hiking to mountain climbing. One step the wrong way and you were falling off the mountain.
Here is the picture of the view at one point. Literally if you looked down the edge of the moutain was right there. Once we all successfully made it to the top there was a huge pool with a waterfall. We ate lunch here and went for a swim before Abseiling. 

 Right to the right of this precarious rock structure is where we abseiled off of. It got so much steeper when you went around to the other side.
 Here is the pool that we came to on top of the Gorge where we ate lunch.

You had to balance yourself on the side of the moutain and you let yourself down on your own with your own rope into a waterfall and then down into another pool below it was unbelievable. The view when I was just hanging there when I spun around was amazing. After a 2 hour hike back and a man from Germany almost sliding down the moutain we were finally back to the little bungalo they served us boeri rolls which are sausage/hot dog type things that are so good. They are one of the foods many people eat in S.A.

Sunday my housemates and I all went school supplies shopping, mind you they do not sell five star notebooks or anything like that. First off their paper is much longer than ours and the notebooks are little like sketch books with lines, they are so weird and I don't know how I feel about them. Not to mention they are all the same color so how do they know what class it is?? Another peculiar situation. After that we all made family dinner, homemade pizza's. It was pretty good until about an hour later when we all felt so sick and had no idea why. Stupid Pizza's

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