Sunday, February 20, 2011

First week of classes

First week of classes ovaaaaa! Thank god, finally have some type of a schedule in my life but like not really. Anyways, classes were stupid. My first class of the week was Sex, Love, and Taboo. This was the one that I wasn’t signed up for because they typed in the wrong numbers so of course their were tutorial sign-ups and I wasn’t signed up/ I don’t even know if I am still signed up. That class is cool though which is puuuuuurfect. The teacher is really silly/ loves her job, which is always a good thing. Most of the class we just talk about Xhosa (the click language) and compare it to English and how it is missing so many words we have and now words are very taboo in that language compared to English. On the other hand I’m taking a religion class in which I couldn’t pronounce the teachers name even if you paid me a million dollars. He is very very Arab as in has a very thick accent and has a stutter. Is that even possible? Try to imagine that. Do it. So that class is boring and it takes attendance which is whack, all we do is talk bout Karl Marx and some other people who I forget their names and then write 3 papers eventually throughout the semester. That class also meets 4 days a week, which is also whack. So those are my Monday Wednesday Fridays.
Now on Tuesday we add in my African instruments class and my Into to sociology class. African instruments, best. class. ever. I was originally signed up for African Music 1 and went to the first class realized that most of the people in my class were music majors and there was singing involved at some point. No Thank You. I cannot sing to save my life, I literally would probably kill someone with the horrid sound that would come out of my mouth. So needless to say I switched out of that real fast into my instrument class.  I had to meet the teacher after I had switched my classes because they had already made their ensemble groups. Try to find him was a joke, I found myself lost on the music campus with all these people singing and playing instruments around me. I didn’t know what to do/ the building I kept asking people about called Stables somehow no one had EVER heard of it. Fanfreakingtastic. Not to mention I was looking for this guy named Dizu. What? I ended up finding it and meeting the teacher who was SO COOL. First off he referred to me as sista and there were about 60 bongo drums in his office and that was it. Definitely the class I was trying to be in. So can’t wait to have that on Tuesday.  Onto sociology, I’m the only foreign exchange student in it/ the only person who is not a first year. Awkward. So the professor looks like someone who would be in Tarzan and is always bobbing up and down when he is talking, also awkward. This class is also boring; the first day the class was convinced that the U.S. started affirmative action because of the Jews. Is that a joke? I don’t know where these people get their information from. Wednesday and Thursday class went a little differently. It started out smooth once again talking about Affirmative Action but it soon started into this uprising of the Blacks and the Whites. The black students in the front were talking about they were less privileged than the whites and all of a sudden the white students from the back of the class chimed in and it was all over after that. People were clapping and yelling and hollering to the point where the teacher was trying to calm the 700 person class down and nothing was working. I needed to get out of there. Class ended and all was well, that was until Thursday when the first thing happened. What is happening in my life? This is quite the different experience from class at UVM, to say the least haha. I’d say the only similarity is the fact that most people don’t wear shoes here either.
That about sums up the beginning of the week, Thursday and Friday were nothing special besides the fact that I had some crazy stomach issue Thursday-Friday in which I was let’s just say I was stuck in the fetal position all day in my bed until my roommates dragged me out and made me go to the beach. Since the water at the beach is so cold it basically numbs your body it made me feel a little better and about after two hours at the beach I was feeling much better. Very strange couple days. We ended up staying on beach until around dinner time, when we walked to Camp’s Bay and grabbed some food at Cal Cacchio (spelling?) which is this really good flat bread pizza place. There we ate dinner and watched the sunset which was absolutely amazing as usual. We all planned on watching a movie and staying in butt the movie never happened and we all ended up passing out early. Sleeeeeeeeepy

 Here's a picture of the sunset from the window of the pizza place in Camp's Bay. Niceeeeeeeee

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