Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pig and Swizzle

Registration for classes here is the most unorganized process I have ever been through. First off we got there an hour early because the line gets so long that some people were there for 4 hours, like excuse me?! So here is the step by step process
3. pick up forms, not told what to do with them
5. sit at a desk with some random advisor
6. get yelled at because you hadn’t filled out the form yet was never told to
7. act like a stupid American
8. Get told a building to go to yet no direction as to where it is
9. get lost on campus
10. sit at a computer with an other UCT student while they fill in your classes, something that could be done by yourself online, much easier process
11. ERROR pops up next to one of your classes, you ask  if you should pick a different class because there is a time conflict with another one, they say no.
12. confusion as to how you can be in 2 classes at the same time
13. go take you picture for your id card
14. wait because there is only 1 photo machine and over 400 international students
15. YAY you’re done, go back to the house and realize that you didn’t get your id or login information because no one told you that was the last step
16. annoyed
I don’t understand why any of the process is necessary
 And on top of all of this the woman typed in the wrong numbers so now I am signed up for the click language instead of my sex love and taboo class. Rude. SOOOOO inorder to get that figured out I have to fill out this withdrawal form and then get 4 different signatures and then I cant drop the click and pick up the other until next week which is when classes start. WTF so behind the times here I do not understand. Haven’t they ever heard of the internet? People adding and dropping their own classes? OBVI NOT

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