Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kalk Bay

Thursday 3 of my roommates and I went to Kalk Bay which is about 30 minutes away. The whole town is on the water and it’s where everyone surfs and has the biggest shark population. When I become a pro surfer from the surf club I’m going to be ripping up those waves, WATCH OUT! Hopefully I wont get eaten by a shark. We were talking about how if we got attacked by a shark and one of your limbs came off that we would just want to be thrown back into the water haha. We are sick people. But anyways back to Kalk bay it was such a cute town, we ate on the water at this little shack type place and I had the best chicken sandwich of my life wow. The food here is so good, I can’t stop eating. The shops in Muzenburg were all really really cute, they had a bunch of hippieish type stuff and a lot of really cute vintage clothing and jewelry. They also had these natural tide pools, which were really nice. To get to Kalk Bay we had to take the train, sketch city. This is what I was talking about earlier about 1st class and 3rd class. There are definitely some characters on the train. There were guys like going from car to car selling food and drinks and weird things. And then there was this guy who had a key board and he was blind so some other guy was dragging him from car to car while he was playing the key board that was hanging around his neck. It sounded really good and then I realized when he went to get off of the train and it was one of those keyboards where you set the music at the beginning and it gives you a background beat, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Like where am I???
 Here is a picture of the place that we ate lunch and the tide pools that were surrounding it, pretty nice if i do say so myself.
 It’s so weird that everyone smokes here/ they can smoke wherever they want. Every time we go to dinner or anywhere there are always people smoking, yucky. Don't they know about this cancer thing?? So rude. Also it has been SO hot omg it's been over 100 for like 3 days. So basically it's a bunch of ciggy smoking sweaty people, kaka.
I found a place called marcels that sells soft serve frozen yogurt, success. I will be spending most of my time there.

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