Saturday, February 26, 2011


Nothing eventful happened on Wednesday. Wednesday is such a stupid day. First off it is hump day and the Arcadia class meets on Wednesdays. Such a miserable experience. The class is all about African history. I hate history. I just want someone to sum up the 400 years in a half hour not every Wednesday for 2 and a half hours. Brutal. Oh wait something eventful did happen. When Sarah and I went to go to the store to buy candies, normal, these 2 Asian ladies came up to the gate and were saying something about how they had a message from the holy mother that they HAD to tell me about. SO they were very persistent and started to take the bible out of their bag and were asking me all about god and the holy mother and by this point I am literally walking out of the gate, Sarah retreated for the house and no one else would come out and help me. It was just met and the Asian god lovers. This was getting dangerous. I was trying to think quickly of what I could tell them that would get them away from me so I could just go get my candies in peace. I decided to tell them that I don’t believe in the bible or god so they needed to stop talking to me. As soon as I said this they were like OHHHH and just stood there starring at me. Awkward. They apologized and I walked away. About 5 feet away from them I literally just burst out laughing, as did Sarah, also normal. It was one of those situations where you don’t realize how ridiculous it is during it but as soon as it is done you think about it and cannot handle what happened. I need to learn how to control myself.
Such a great day. Condom group met at 9 which was kind of lame because I didn’t have class until 11 so I had to trek my butt up to campus wayyy to early for a Thursday. This was my first day of my volunteering project SHAWCO. I picked to do a program called Mazizame, where we go to a children’s home in the township and tutor them in, well I’m going to be tutoring in math and science and “life orientation”. When we got to the Home all the kids were running up to the bus. SO CUTE. Omg. All of us walked out of the bus and there were like 15 of them hugging everyone as soon as you stepped foot onto the ground. One girl grabbed my hand so I guess she was my buddy for the day. I couldn’t pronounce her name so I’m not even going to try to type it here, she was adorable. We first started out with a huge circle playing all these games where the kids went into the middle and danced to a little jingle that I couldn’t even tell you what the words were, and then we broke unto smaller groups and tried to play organized games which ended REAL fast. Basically after that it was a just a free for all, the kids were jumping all over us and running around and dancing to this one girl who was playing some CRAZY bongos. I asked her to teach me her ways. Right after that 3 of the kids came up to me and asked me if 1 of the girls could be my chicken baby. Naturally I was vuuuuuryyy confused by this statement. So I asked them to explain what this chicken baby was. All I could get out of it was that I was going to be her chicken mother and that she wanted to get on my back so I could spin her around. Should I bring feathers next time? I’m still confused. When we went to leave none of the kids wanted us to leave they were hanging on us and hugging us it was so sad L.  But there is always next week.
For dinner we decided to go to this place called Taste of Asia. The guys in the other house said it was really good so we took their word for it and went. Our food started coming out and it was all cool. But then the entrees started coming out like one by one by one until everyone had their food and had been eating it and mine wasn’t out yet. I went to go talk to the people about it and I ran into the owner who was extremely Asian like hardly even spoke English so she went to get the waiter that we had. I some how ended up in the kitchen of this restaurant and there were some HUGE African ladies in there speaking Xhosa I’m pretty sure. All of a sudden around the corner comes the husband of the lady and he was pushing a baby stroller around the restaurant and at this point into the kitchen. I had to get out so I retreated back to the table and they said they would bring it out. The waiter came back and was like
“soo they screwed up your order and made the basil chicken not the chicken Pad Thai, do you just want that for take away for free” so I was just like whatever yeah that’s fine. He left and another 15-20 minutes went by and nothing had come out so we buzzed him back in and he just goes “what’s up”. Mind you at this point everyone is done eating and ready for the bill so I described to him how I never got my food and he was like oh yeah well they actually didn’t screw it up they just confused you with another table and the Pad Thai is coming out right now. TIA. So I got the Pad Thai take away and we got the bill and it was on there. He said it was going to be free so when he came back in we were describing this to him and he goes “well if you are walking out of the restaurant with the food I would prefer if you pay for it.” AWKWARD so I went onto to say how he said the other one was going to be free and he was like yeah I was confused I didn’t mean to say that. Like WHAT!? So in the end he goes “if you think it is morally right not to pay for your meal then don’t pay for it”. Could this guy make it anymore awkward? In the end I just walked out with my food and didn’t pay. I don’t think I can ever go back there.

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