Saturday, February 12, 2011


So Tuesday was pretty crazy. We were picked up at 630am, the earliest I have been up in about 5 years and taken about 2 hours away from Cape Town to go shark diving! When we got to the little fisherman shanty of a place we were given breakfast. NOM NOM NOM it was delish. There were 12 of us Arcadia folk and 27 people total who came on the boat with us to go diving.  Looking around inside the place there were pictures of sharks everywhere, to be expected and they were all about to eat everything in sight with their crazy teeth. This was when I thought what the hell am I doing. We got the debriefing about not to stick your limbs out of cage, you will get them bit off, a little background on the great white shark etc. etc. Once on the boat we took about a 20-minute ride out to an island that inhabits over 60,000 seals! I guess that’s where the sharks like to hang out. As we were driving up to the island there were 2 other boats parked, or anchored rather and there were sharks circling the boat. So we anchored and the first group got suited up in their wet suits and hopped in the cage. As you can see the cage fit 8 people and you would just take a huge breath in and then stay under for as long as you could when they told you to go down. They had this huge tuna head they would throw in and out of the water along with this foam thing that looked like a seal to attract the great whites. They also used this stuff called chum, which ew who know what that was. It smelled like ass is all I know. So literally though the sharks were bumping into the cage and rubbing up against it and everything. One touched one of the girls I live with. It was the craziest thing ever. They said that they have never had a death for the 15 years they had been running the shark diving establishment. I find that incredibly hard to believe. The first time I got into the cage the woman next to me started hyperventilating. Seriously?? I’m in this cage in the ocean with great whites circling around me and this older woman is about to drown. What does someone do in that situation?! The guy on the other side of her was just starring at her like he didn’t really know what was going on/ didn’t want to help her. So there I was trying to calm this 50-year-old woman down in this cage that was about 3 feet wide. Fanfreakingtastic. Luckily my calm words and smooth voice soothed her out of her panic and back into life. Success. So if any of you are ever about to hyperventilate in a shark cage let me know, I’ll be of great help.
 Here is the cage that 8 of us would go into at a time and that is the bait they would throw to attack the sharks. Note that shark legit came up and hit the cage. It's teeth were unreal.
 Here is Seal island where there are 60,000 seals. They were so stinky. There were also a couple of penguins chillin on the island. They were probably thinking wtf how did I get here and why a doesn't anyone look like me?

Seals are hilarious. If anyone hasn’t seen them in real life watch YouTube videos of them. I want to be a seal/ live amongst the seals in Africa.
We got back to the house around 5 and got ready to go out to dinner for one of the guys on my trip, Adam’s birthday. We went to this place called Cubana which I have been to before and it was delish but this time we went with 15 people and they only got 4 orders right out of all 15. 4 orders?! That had to be a joke. So we made a scene again, stupid Americans and they gave us free shots which I am convinced they were juice shots and took 200R off our bill, that’s like not even $30 hahaha. Typical.

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